Every month I offer a channeled guide to help you navigate the energies of the coming month in a way that best serves your highest light & potential.
We’ve come out from the emotional cancer new moon
with a few bruises perhaps, and also new clarity.
July is about shedding the skin and becoming
who you are meant to be, who you came here in this life to be.
Heart energy is big this month, kicked off with a bang by the new moon last week which blasted hearts wide open in a beautiful mess, prompting us to take a deep look at anything that’s been
hidden or suppressed.
Let it move through the body, sit with it, dance, walk, swim with it.
The allowing and surrendering will create the flow needed to transmute and let go of what needs to be released.
Like Snake that sheds its skin, many of us are re-inventing, re-newing, re-creating, re-membering, preparing to step into leadership We’re moving from pyramids to circles, so this is not leadership over others....
This is leadership as rolemodels and wayshowers,
walking the talk, and doing the work.
We are in the time of Kali Yuga, the end of times as the old people saw it. The end of a cycle and the threshold of a new Golden Age.
If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely agreed to assist in this great transition for Gaia and humanity.
You are so needed! Your gifts, innate wisdom, compassion, joy, leadership, empathy, and love is what will create the Golden Age.
The invitation is to connect deeply to those star qualities that are part of your soul’s blueprint. Be still, listen, integrate, apply.
This is the calling.
Release what needs to be let go off with grace and appreciation, and then claim your unique medicine, your unique gifts
and power with all your heart behind it.
Wishing you a beautiful and abundant summer!